What Everyone Must Know About Help With Your Tinnitus Issues If we tell you that 1 in 6 people globally could be afflicted with a hearing problem, it might seem unbelievable, right But that is...
There is very little awareness regarding hearing loss among people, and that is why, people also fail to avail of easy solutions that can help manage their issue. But first, let us look at certain...
Hearing loss for most people sets in gradually, and hence, for the individual actually facing the issue, it may be difficult to realize until it has gone beyond a certain level. However, people...
There are mainly 4 different categories in which loss of hearing can be classified depending on the root cause, which are as follows: Sensorineural Hearing Loss This occurs due to damage to the inner...
There are various causes of hearing impairment among adults such as: Ménière’s disease An inner ear problem with causes not fully known yet, Ménière’s disease starts between the age...